Get your Sh*t together!
If you are an actor, preparing for you headshot is like preparing for an audition or an acting job. Our studio is a place where you can practice your craft as an actor. Just as for a class, an audition or an acting job you must do the work. Working actors are not successful because they just show up but because they arrive prepared.
This experience is not a dress rehearsal. Commit to yourself now — to be better prepared for this than any work as an actor you have ever done before. Your efforts will precede you into every audition and show a standard of excellence and commitment that will help get you work. We will support you every step of the way.
As a professional photo studio, we are also your director and acting coach. We help guide you to that powerful place inside where you can grab a hold of your magic and pull it out to where it can shine. Our photographer studied the craft for many years, and will use these techniques to help you in front of our camera.
The great teacher Uta Hagen said, “I love playing Chekhov. That’s the hardest; that’s why I love it most.” It’s the actors challenges that are always the best loved moments. If getting your headshot done seems challenging, love the challenge.
For at least 72 hours before the shoot avoid any alcohol and limit your sugar, caffeine & salt intake.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day between now and our shoot.
Take fast paced long walks or do some cardio or yoga to energize your body. It really improves your skin tone.
Get plenty of sleep. Try sleeping with an extra pillow to elevate your head a bit. This will help with puffiness and/or darkness under the eyes. Try not to sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back face up will help your facial tonality in life.
- Don’t starve yourself before a shoot to try and loose weight. That’s not the way to look thinner in your photos. You’ll only look like you have low energy. We’ll keep you slimmer with lighting, clothing and the right posturing.
- Don’t eat sugary foods before the shoot, you’ll only crash.
- Do not have – a sip or a swig – a pill or a puff – to relax you before the shoot. You will only look unclear and get a dull far away look in your eyes. In other words, don’t show up high for work.
- Give yourself plenty of time to arrive. Don’t stress being late, be mellow and arrive early.
- Don’t book anything before or after the shoot. Make it a “me” day. You are an artist. Make this an artist’s date.
- Focus on the fit of the garment, too loose can work against you.
- Stay away from white as well as bold prints, big stripes and patterns unless they are very monochromatic.
- No heavy branding and lettering. Your trend setting designer logo may be hot today but it will look tired tomorrow.
- We are concentrating on your face so what you wear on the bottom doesn’t usually show. However it should complete your look like any theatrical wardrobe and it should be something that aids the feeling of the look you are going for.
- Discuss your wardrobe looks with your manager, agent & coaches.
- Keep it simple, it’s all about bringing attention to your eyes not your clothing & jewelry.
- Choose garments that frame your face well, the neckline / collar size should suit you and fit perfectly.
- VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything should be freshly dry cleaned and ON HANGERS.
- Only bring what you are comfortable in.
- If you don’t LOVE it, don’t bring it. If I choose it and you hem and haw about it… why did you bring it?
- Don’t burden yourself bringing lots of shoes they will not be in the shot but if they create a mood for you, work it.
- Women, bring the right bras for what you are bringing. Buy a new one if needed. VERY IMPORTANT DON’T FORGET!
- Men, a properly fitting undershirts can improve the way a shirt looks. Bring some.
- Don’t be afraid that you’re bringing too much! I will help you decide what looks best on camera. If you are not sure, bring it.
- Get a haircut at least a week before the shoot to give it time to settle in. Freshly cut hair is lively and healthy looking.
- If you color your hair, be sure you have fresh color for the shoot.
- Your hair should be clean for the shoot. However for some of you, You know your hair better than anyone. You know when it looks best. Plan ahead.
- Whitened teeth are key. I don’t recommend strips, they don’t get in between the teeth. The products with the trays and gel work well, even the ones from the drugstore. If you can afford it, invest and see your dentist. Do some research.
- Exfoliate a couple days before the shoot. If you don’t do that find out how. It will amaze you how it looks.
- Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize – on a clean face.
- Come camera ready. You will touch up when you arrive.
- Bring ALL your makeup products & applicators.
- Practice your makeup. Do it and put on your wardrobe to see how it looks together. Can you improve it?
- Go to a makeup store (see below) and have your makeup done to learn more about how to do it. This is part of your craft as an actor. The more professionally done you look when you go to an audition the better. Keep learning about makeup. THIS GOES FOR MEN TOO.
- Arrive with a freshly clean face.
- Bring your makeup, bases and shadows and colors. It is VERY helpful if the makeup artist wants to see what you use.
Having a warm tanned glow can look great, however ask yourself – Is this something I can maintain? Remember you want to look like your headshots at an audition. If you choose to tan on a bed you really must prepare for this well in advance, you don’t want to get in front of a camera with an uneven unfinished tan or with an uneven sunburn. If you choose to do a spray tan it does fade after a short period which may look better. Get some experience to know when to schedule your shoot and to learn how your skin color responds to the tan. Different spray tan brands have different looks on different skin types. Knowing about tanning is important.
Makeup Resources
MAC Cosmetics Pro Store
133 N Robertson Bled.
Los Angeles, CA 90048